Want to be a Professional Speaker? Follow these Tips.

Want to be a Professional Speaker? Follow these Tips.

Want to be a Professional Speaker? Follow these Tips.

As a technical professional who is seasoned in speaking, you may be eyeing the bigger stage. How do you step into this arena? Let’s unravel some crucial tips. First off, don’t quit your day job just yet. Building your speaking journey takes time, patience, and opportunities. Speaking at organizations or associations isn’t a walk in the park. Finding speaking opportunities and getting paid to speak? That can be quite the challenge.

Secondly, market research is key. Using Google, explore what people are interested in and willing to pay for. For instance, if you’re into leadership, Google “leadership speaker”. Watch the results roll in. That means there’s a market – people are paying for it.

Now, the money talk. Ever heard of eSpeakers.com? It’s your go-to for speaker fees. Search for speakers in your niche to know the baseline. What do they charge for a keynote? A workshop? Is a virtual presentation the same cost as an in-person one? Don’t undersell yourself in the market.

Podcasts can be a goldmine of wisdom. Tune into Speakernomics, The Speaker Lab, The Wealthy Speaker, and Technically Speaking. They are invaluable for industry insights and your fit within it.

Next on the list – LinkedIn. Connect with seasoned speakers. They tend to be welcoming and ready to share their trade secrets (Thom Singer, Lois Creamer, and Frank Kitchen are especially friendly, knowledgeable, and honest).

Lastly, tap into National Speakers Association’s local chapters. Virtual or in person, they’re your gateway to established speakers’ insights and building those relationships.

To recap:

  1. Stay Employed: Keep your job as you cultivate speaking opportunities.
  2. Research the Market: Google to see the demand for your speaking niche.
  3. Assess Speaker Fees: Use eSpeakers.com to gauge industry-standard fees.
  4. Podcast Learning: Tune into podcasts like Speakernomics, The Speaker Lab, The Wealthy Speaker, and Technically Speaking for industry insights.
  5. Connect on LinkedIn: Network with established speakers for guidance and mentorship.
  6. NSA Chapter Meetings: Attend virtual or in-person National Speakers Association local chapter meetings to learn from experienced speakers.

Good luck on your speaking journey!