Using storytelling to improve technical presentations

Using storytelling to improve technical presentations

Using storytelling to improve technical presentations

Let’s discuss the importance of incorporating storytelling in technical presentations. Many might think that storytelling has no place in technical presentations, but let me tell you that it can make all the difference, especially when presenting to a non-technical audience. The story you choose to tell must be relevant to the data that you are presenting, and this is what we will be exploring.

When presenting technical data, it is crucial to make sure that your audience is engaged, and that is where storytelling comes in. A great story can captivate your audience and make your presentation memorable. However, it’s important to remember that not every story is suitable for every presentation. The story you tell should be relevant to the data you are presenting, and it should tie in with the information you are trying to convey.

For example, I used to work in orthobiologics in medical devices, where I had to do preclinical testing using various bone putties from three different companies. Since the bone putties looked very similar, I needed to ensure that I used the correct bone putty for each test. I found that keeping the box that the bone putty came in close to where I was working allowed me to remember which bone putty was from which company, ensuring that I used the correct bone putty and labeled it accordingly.

This story serves as a perfect example of how storytelling can be incorporated into technical presentations. It sets the stage for the data that follows and keeps the audience engaged. By sharing his experience, I was able to make the data more relatable and memorable to the audience.

When choosing a story for your presentation, make sure it is relevant to the data you are presenting. It should also be easy to follow and tie in with the information you are trying to convey. You don’t want to distract your audience with a story that doesn’t relate to the data or information you’re presenting.

Ultimately, storytelling can be a powerful tool in technical presentations. It can help keep your audience engaged, make your presentation more memorable, and make your data more relatable. Just remember to choose a story that is relevant to the data you are presenting and ties in with the information you are trying to convey.