Starting a Speaker Training Program at an Organization

Starting a Speaker Training Program at an Organization

Starting a Speaker Training Program at an Organization

Technical professionals can struggle giving presentations, especially to non-technical audiences. Want a way to make it less difficult? Implement a speaker training program at work. If you’re in learning and development (L&D) and want to implement such a program, here are some thoughts on how and why to make it happen.

Steps to Create a Speaker Training Program

1. Identify Improvement Areas:
Begin by engaging with your technical professionals to determine their specific challenges. Do they struggle with conveying complex information simply? Do they overuse technical jargon or filler words? Understanding these needs is crucial to develop something that they’ll find useful.

2. Practice Opportunities:
Provide regular opportunities for practice. For instance, organize lunch and learn sessions where technical staff can present their work. Record these sessions so they can review their performance and receive constructive feedback based on the specific challenges they’re trying to overcome.

3. Peer Feedback:
Create a supportive environment where colleagues can offer feedback. This collaborative approach not only improves skills but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement. Having regularly scheduled sessions to give and receive feedback is useful, with a facilitator able to keep sessions moving along.

4. Track Progress:
Encourage professionals to track their progress on specific metrics, such as reducing jargon or improving body language. Regular practice and feedback cycles will lead to noticeable improvement over time. Also, L&D can survey participants to see what’s working with the program and what could be improved.

Benefits of Establish a Speaker Training Program

When technical professionals enhance their presentation skills, their visibility within and outside the company increases. They become valuable assets for conference presentations, vendor meetings, and customer interactions. This visibility often leads to career advancements, promotions, and raises.

By implementing these strategies, your technical staff will no longer be the stereotypical geeks behind their computers. Instead, they will become adept communicators, enhancing their professional presence and contributing significantly to your organization’s success.

Want more insights on establishing a speaker training program for the technical staff? Please be in touch; [email protected].

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