Speaking up and Staying Silent in Meetings

Speaking up and Staying Silent in Meetings

Speaking up and Staying Silent in Meetings

Recently, I came across an article discussing when one should speak up in a meeting and when it’s best to stay silent. While the insights were valuable, I wanted to share two crucial points not covered in the article that I believe are equally important.

1. Speak Up When You Have Something to Say

Speaking up should be purposeful. It’s not about merely adding your voice to the conversation; it’s about contributing meaningfully. Having worked in corporate America, I’ve observed instances where individuals spoke just to chime in, repeating what was already mentioned. True contribution comes when you genuinely have a unique perspective or valuable input. Don’t just speak for the sake of speaking.

2. Controversial Perspective: Don’t Speak Up to Defend Others

In contrast, I propose refraining from speaking up on behalf of someone else in a meeting. The controversial stance is that if someone else’s idea gets repeated by another person, let the original contributor address it. By doing so, individuals learn to advocate for themselves, avoiding dependence on others to defend their ideas. This approach fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership.

Consider this scenario: if Person 2 takes credit for an idea Person 1 presented earlier in the meeting, resist the urge to intervene on behalf of Person 1. Let Person 1 speak up.

This controversial perspective encourages individuals to take ownership of their contributions and not rely on others to defend their thoughts. Ultimately, this promotes a more accountable and self-reliant team environment.

What do you think? Am I being too harsh with Point 2? If so, let me know in the comments!