Command the room for your next presentation without sweating through your shirt or fumbling through your slides.

Engineers, Scientists, and those in STEM might be described as brilliant at what they do - but would you always call them great public speakers?

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

As someone who has spent years as an engineer, I know that you have a highly specialized skill set and that becoming an effective public speaker can take you to the next level in your career. 

What if there was an easier way to improve at public speaking rather than imagining everyone in their underpants?

Imagine…confidently delivering your next speech and commanding the stage like a seasoned pro.

Leadership Advancement

Be seen as a go-to expert who can take charge by communicating the goals and information necessary to drive company initiatives.

Accomplishing Your Goals

Overcome your fear of public speaking and turn your biggest anxiety into your greatest accomplishment. Public speaking can be used in your personal and professional endeavors.

Shift Your Mindset

Move past the mindset challenges that are keeping you from reaching your speaking potential as a leader.

After spending years as an engineer, I thought I had to use jargon to get my point across and to hide the fact that I was sweating entire oceans under my shirt.

I had to grab the audience’s attention, but didn’t know how. I never prepared for speeches, but always wondered why they never went as well as I had hoped. Through trial and error, constructive feedback, and self-reflection, I developed a process that helped me get much better at giving speeches that got results.

The Teach the Geek to Speak course will cover what you need to know to become an effective public speaker. Someone who people will put down their phones to listen to. I cover:

Here’s my promise to you: If you follow the process, use the worksheets, and do the exercises, your public speaking will improve or your money back – no questions asked.

There are tons of courses out there (both in person and online) that teach public speaking. Some offer several hours of video, others offer an e-book. What I offer is an easy-to-follow 6 step process complete with worksheets that you can use again and again for any speech. Presentation at work? Use the process. Conference talk? Use the process. No more starting from scratch for every speech.

I realized that the Teach the Geek to Speak course wasn’t enough, though. I wanted to build something affordable that could offer ongoing support. With that in mind, I developed a membership, the Teach the Geek to Speak Society.


Teach the Geek to Speak Society

Go from Surviving to Thriving

I’ll take you step by step with modules, videos, templates, and resources to help you go from nervous to confident public speaker. This is the GO-TO resource to help you take action as a leader and gain the progress in public speaking you’ve always wanted. 

What do you get as part of the society?

Excuse Assessment Worksheet


Clearly identify the challenges and excuses that are holding you back. The worksheet will help you understand the cause for the excuses. In addition, you’ll be able to quickly take action and tackle your goals with public speaking and beyond.

Monthly Coaching Calls


Gain access to live monthly coaching calls with personalized recommendations to create and deliver powerful presentations instead of feeling stuck in a rut.

Word Filler Tracker


Too many “um”, “ah”, “you know”, and “so” in your presentations? Create impactful speeches and take out all these filler words by following the word filler tracker.

Words Per Minute Toolkit


Stay on point and keep to time. The words per minute script will help you modulate your presentation based on the audience you are addressing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our calls will be conducted via Zoom and happen once a month. You will gain access to the call recordings.

As part of this membership, you’ll get access to an exclusive founding member’s price of $47/month and your membership price will not change.

I would never want you to leave, but if for some reason you need to cancel, I offer a 14 day cancellation policy. You can reach out to [email protected] within 14 days of your upcoming fee and I’ll cancel your membership.

As part of the membership, you’ll get access to private group coaching calls on a monthly basis – but I reserve my 1:1 support for 1:1 clients.

  • Yes! Please feel free to join me for a free discovery call where we can discuss working together and if this is the right support for you. 

Meet Neil

Neil Thompson is a speaker, writer, and entrepreneur. He started out his career as a product development engineer, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Eventually, he went on to become a professional engineer. Neil is an ongoing contributor to Urbangeekz online magazine, and has contributed to Mechanical Engineering magazine, Tech Directions magazine, and PsychCentral. He started his journey in public speaking out of necessity, as he had to present in front of senior management every month at one of his engineering positions. After one too many failed presentations, he knew he had to work on his public speaking skills. He took what he learned in becoming more effective at public speaking and created the Teach the Geek to Speak course. He has presented at Society for Biomaterials, AICHE, and American Nuclear Society, among others. Neil also hosts a podcast that focuses on public speaking, offering tips and interviewing those with STEM backgrounds about public speaking. 

It's time to stop making excuses for why your public speaking skills aren't as sharp as they can be. Start taking action by reserving your founding member's spot for the Teach the Geek to Speak Society membership.